
Gift Code System
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Item Market &
Character Market

Special VIP Rewards &
Special Donation Rewards

Dart MU


COMMANDS [ Features ]

Commands List


1. Unique Quests


2. Jewels / Wcoins Store & OFF Store

- Store

Using this feature you can sell items in game store:

[ wcoin, ruud, gp, bless, soul, chaos, creation, guardian, harmony ]

Command: /store [type]

Step 1: Setting your Store 

If you want to place your store in Zen, put price as you like. If you want to open Ruud / Wcoins / GP, put the price in Zen. 

To open a Store by Jewels / Zen, just open normally. To open store by Ruud / Wcoins / GP, it is necessary to use the Command.

Step 2: Opening your Store


/store wcoin (Opens personal store where you sell items for Wcoins)

/store ruud (Opens personal store where you sell items for Ruud)

/store gp (Opens personal store where you sell items for Goblin Points)

- Off Store

Command: /offstore

Use this command to sell items while character is offline


Reconnect screen will appear, close the game immediately.
Ready, your character will continue selling items which you put in store while your game client is closed.

3. Disconnect Friend

Command /dcfriend [character nickname] [account password]

Example: /dcfriend Player 55559911

Ready, the account is disconnected.

4. Server time

Command: /clock

Shows current Server Time

5. Extra Vaults

& Open Ware

Command: /vault [number] or /ware [number]

Example:  /vault 1

Main vault/ware number is 0

2 extra vaults available for Free players

More than 2 extra vaults available for Vip players

Items do not lose if Vip expires. Renew Vip to get access to items on extra vaults.

Command: /openware

This command allows to open warehouse anytime and anywhere. It's available only for VIP players

6. Quiz Event

Command: /quiz (shows time left until next Quiz)

Use Command: /answer

Example:  "[Quiz] How much is 4+4 = ?"

/answer 8

Please make sure you located in regular maps. (Not Event-Maps)
You cannot participate while you in event-maps.

Reward: 30 Wcoins for the first player who answers correct.


Regular Commands


7. Add and auto add Points

- Add Point:

Command: /add[type] [amount]


For adding 50 points to Strength, type /addstr 50

For adding 235 points to Energy, type /addene 235


str = Strength, agi = Agility, vit = Vitality, ene = Energy, cmd = Command


- Auto Add Point:

Command: /add[type] auto [amount]


For adding 1000 points to Strength, type /addstr auto 1000

For adding 2000 points to Energy, type /addene auto 2000

* If you have 100 free points and level 200 and you want to add the next 400 points into agility then you will write /addagi auto 400 

* What will happen? The free 100 points will be added into agility instantly, and the next 300 points that you gain, will also be added into agility - that means from level 200 to 260 all the points will be added into agility automatically even if you are AFK when doing the levels.


This command will work even if you re-enter game, get reconnected, etc.

To cancel the auto add points command you must write : /addagi auto 0 (instead of agi you should write the stat where you set the points to be added automatically).

8. Request and Auto Party

- Request control:

Command: /re or /request [type] [on/off/auto]

Each request turns on or off or automates the character.


To not receive any trade or party from anybody.  /request off

To receive any trade or party automatically from anybody. /request auto

To receive any trade or party from anybody. /request on

- Auto Party with Password:

You can set a password to your party, so only players using the password will be accepted.


Command to set the password you must write : /re auto XXXX where XXXX = your random password.
After you set up your party password, in order for others to join your party automatically they must also write:
/re auto XXXX where XXXX = the same password that you set for your party and then just request party on any user from your party.

9. Auto Attack & OFF Attack

- Auto Attack

Command: /attack

Character will auto attack using this command


- Off Attack

Step 1:  Set up your Mu Helper

You should configure your Mu Helper the way you want, with Skills, Buffs, Auto Potion, etc.

Step 2:  Go to the place (spot) where you want to leave character

Command: /offattack


Reconnect screen will appear, close the game immediately.

Ready, your character will continue leveling up online while your game client is closed.

10. Player Kill

Command: /pkclear to clear pk.

11. War and Soccer

Command: /war [guild name], /soccer [guild name]

If you want to start a War 'Event' between your guild and another guild you must write : /war XXXX where XXXX = name of the guild which you want to go to war with.

If you want to start a Soccer 'Event' between your guild and another guild you must write : /soccer XXXX where XXXX = name of the guild which you want to play soccer against.

Notice that only the GM (Guild Master) can write & use these commands.

12. Move High Maps

(server with resets)

Command: /move

Server X100 and X1000 level requirements are lowered starting from maps 300 level +

You can move to any map when you reach at least level 300.

Command /move [map name]


  • /move ferea
  • /move kantururuins 3
  • /move karutan 2
  • /move raklion
  • /move raklion 2
  • /move nixies lake
  • /move deep dungeon 1
  • /move swamp of darkness
  • /move kubera mine
  • /move Abyss of Atlans 1
  • /move Abyss of Atlans 2
  • /move Abyss of Atlans 3
  • /move Scorched Canyon
  • /move Red Smoke Icarus
  • /move Arenil Temple
  • /move Ashen Aida
  • /move Old Kethotum
  • /move Burning Kethotum
  • /move Kanturu Undergrounds
  • /move Ignis Volcano


Posted by Dart MU Administration

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